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关于欧道明大学国际处主任Marcelo Siles教授来我校讲座的通知

浏览次数:  发布时间:2015年11月17日



讲座主题:Relationships Economics: Social Capital(关系经济学:社会资本)

附欧道明大学国际部主任Marcelo Siles教授介绍:

Dr Marcelo Siles is the Executive director of the international programs and professor of economics at Old Dominion University. He holds a PHD in Applied Economics and Master in Agriculture Economics from Michigan State University. In addition he has two Post docs in Credits Market and Demography. His undergraduate degree are in Accounting, Civil Engineering and Economics. Dr Siles has been working in Social Capital for more than 20 years. He has more than 70 publications in books, book chapters and journal papers. He has made more than 90 presentations at domestic and international conferences.

Marcelo Siles教授是经济学教授,目前担任欧道明大学国际项目执行主任。他在密歇根州立大学获得了农业经济学博士学位及应用经济学博士学位。期间,他在Credits Market and Demography(信贷市场与统计)期刊上发表过两篇文章。

Marcelo Siles教授在社会资本领域工作了20余年,他在书刊,著作章节,期刊发表过70余篇研究成果,并在国际会议上做过90多场的专题演讲。

